
The athletic program of OCHS is an extension of the academic programs. Its main purpose is to help develop the physical, emotional, and scholastic advancement of the student, as well as, to allow those who are gifted in the different sports to excel. Participating on an athletic team is a privilege for those students who are interested and have the ability, commitment and the right attitude. Membership must be earned by the student through the maintenance of acceptable scholastic grades as well as irreproachable conduct in and out of class and on the playing field/court.


We believe that school athletics exists to benefit students and that dignity, worth, and self-esteem of the individual should be paramount in athletic activities. We believe that winning is an attitude resulting from optimum preparation, concentrated effort, and a deep commitment to excel. We believe that open communication and mutual respect among coaches, parents, and athletes provide the foundation for a successful program. With these important components pulling together, both student growth and program quality will be enhanced.

It is our goal as a school and as a program to provide athletes with a chance to enjoy, develop, and compete in the sport of their choice. We will strive to create an environment that is safe, healthy, and enjoyable for all. Most importantly, we want to see the formation of Christ-like characteristics in every athlete.


Our school was founded to Honor God, and this is the main priority. As a member of an OCHS team it is important to realize this priority and act on it. There is no question that a school reflects the personalities of their athletic programs. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to be involved as coaches, athletic directors, and administrators know what our athletic programs can do for our school. That brings a heavy responsibility for each of us – students, parents, coaches, administrators and fans – to demonstrate a positive Christian lifestyle as we share the fun and excitement of our full athletic program. We are reminded to keep things in perspective – God’s honor is involved. We thank God for the variety of experiences made possible for us through the dedication and commitment of many people. Your commitment is also essential to a successful season. An athlete must live clean and play hard. We must win without boasting and lose without excuses, and we never quit!