Constitution & Bylaws
The Athletic Boosters Club of Ontario Christian Schools
Articles of Constitution
Article I – Name
The name of this organization is “The Ontario Christian Schools Athletic Boosters Club (Boosters Club)”.
Article II – Purpose
The Boosters Club, established in 1959, seeks to encourage and support athletics at Ontario Christian Schools in an atmosphere that is consistent with the school’s philosophy of Growing Christian leaders. The club’s goal is to promote sound, organized, Christian-based athletic programs.
The club financially considers needs or desires not normally covered under the annual budget of the Athletic Department.
Article III – Membership
Parents, alumni, or anyone who is interested in supporting Ontario Christian athletics are encouraged to join the club.
Article IV – Officers
- Officers are elected by ballot or voice vote by a simple majority of members present.
- Nomination of candidates for office takes place annually at the October meeting. Elections are held at the November meeting.
- Newly elected officers assume their responsibilities the following January.
- The term of office is for one year. Officers may be elected for more than one term and may serve consecutive terms.
- Officers and their duties are as follows:
a. President – The president sets the date and times for meetings, chairs regular meetings, makes all necessary preparations for meetings including preparing agendas for all meetings. The president appoints members to subcommittees. The president appoints a club member to fill the office of an unexpired term or calls a special election should a seat become vacant.
b. Vice‐President – The vice-president assists the president whenever necessary and chairs meetings when the president is absent.
c. Secretary – The secretary takes the minutes at the meetings.
d. Treasurer – The treasurer keeps complete records of all finances and presents a financial report at each meeting.
These four Officers constitute the Executive Committee of the Boosters Club.
Article V – Meetings
- The Boosters Club meets every month during the calendar year with the normal exception of the month of December or at any time the Executive committee determines a meeting is unnecessary.
- The Executive Committee may call special meetings on an as needed basis.
- All meetings shall open and close with prayer and be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.
Article VI – Finances
The finances are derived from donations, fund‐raising projects, and the Boosters Endowment Fund. The Boosters Club is part of the Ontario Christian School Association, a non‐profit organization.
Article VII – Auditing
After the end of the fiscal year or after the election of a new club treasurer, the treasurer shall present the Boosters Club financial records to the Ontario Christian Business Manager for the reconciliation and inspection of the Boosters account by the Business Office. The Business Manager shall report the results of the school audit to the treasurer and vice-president.
Article VIII – Changes to the Constitution and By-laws
- Any proposal for Constitutional (Article) changes must come from the Executive Committee, must be announced prior to the next meeting at which they are to be considered, and must be passed by a two‐thirds majority of the Boosters Club members present.
- The Executive Committee shall periodically review the Constitution and By‐laws for possible updates.
- The club should annually read the Constitution and By-laws as a group at the January meeting.
Article IX – Dissolution of the Boosters Club
- Upon the event of the dissolution of this organization, the treasurer shall pay or adequately provide for the debts and obligations of the organization. The remaining assets shall be deposited into the Boosters Endowment Fund to support Ontario Christian athletics.
- No part of the net earnings of this organization shall be used for the benefit of or distribution to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons. The organization shall be empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions for the expressed purpose of paying off any debt owed by the club.
Revised September 2020
The Athletic Boosters Club of Ontario Christian Schools
- The requirements for membership are as stated in the Articles of Constitution.
- Rules for voting are as follows:
a. A member must have attended at least three Boosters Club meetings within the previous 12 months to be eligible to vote on any proposal or in the elections of officers.
b. The Athletic Director casts one vote representing the Athletic Department.
c. In the occurrence of a tie, the president casts the deciding vote.
d. If a decision is desired prior to the next scheduled meeting, the president may conduct a phone or email poll of the voting members, inform the members of the vote, and include the decision in the minutes of the next meeting. If the decision calls for an expenditure of funds, the amount cannot exceed $1,000.00.
e. Five members in attendance at a meeting constitute a quorum. In the event of an emergency request outside the normal meeting, a majority response of the voting members is needed to approve or deny the request. - The Boosters Club may enlist the assistance of the Athletic Department in their fundraising efforts, in promoting the club to the Ontario Christian community, and in recruiting new members.
- The treasurer’s signature shall be the primary authorized signature on the checking and savings accounts. The president’s and/or one appointed member’s signature shall be the secondary signature.
- Financial income for the Boosters Club shall primarily come from donations, advertising in the game program, cookout or breakfast fundraisers, the annual golf tournament, the Boosters Endowment Fund, and other agreed upon fund‐raising projects.
a. Specifications of the Boosters Endowment Fund [aka Ontario Christian School Association Inc. (Boosters Club)]:1) The Executive Committee shall communicate the allocation of the portfolio with the financial advisor.
2) Near the end of each fiscal year, the club treasurer shall transfer the annual portfolio dividends and interest earned into the Boosters checking account.
3) At no time may withdrawals from the portfolio invade the principal amount.
4) The Boosters Club may add funds to increase the principal at any time the members feel it is prudent. The action shall normally take place near the end of the fiscal year.
5) If the club should dissolve, annual portfolio dividends and interest earned shall continue to provide for special projects for Ontario Christian athletics. In the event the club should reorganize, the portfolio shall again come under the club’s control.
a. The reorganized club shall manage the Boosters Endowment Fund as stipulated under the guidelines specified in By-law #5a.
b. The club shall ordinarily strive to maintain a Boosters checking balance greater than $100,000 to take advantage of large, unforeseen expenditures.
c. In addition managing the checking account, the treasurer may take advantage of cash and cash equivalents when financial conditions are favorable, which include savings accounts, marketable securities, commercial paper, Treasury bills, short-term government bonds, money markets, and the like.
- The Boosters Club shall also provide funding for:
a. The annual Boosters Club Male and Female “Athlete of the Year” awards.
1) Award criteria:
a. High school varsity coaches shall nominate and select one female and one male.
b. The student shall show evidence of outstanding athletic achievement displayed in his respective interscholastic sports. Consideration given for league, CIF, and area recognition.
c. Special consideration given to multiple sport athletes.
d. Nominees must display evidence of leadership, Christian character, sportsmanship, and fair play.
2) In addition to a trophy or plaque, each recipient shall receive a $500.00 monetary award.
3) The Athletic Department shall request nominees from the current varsity coaches. The coaches and Athletic Department shall vote on the honoree. The Athletic Director shall inform the Boosters Club of the selections.
4) One member of the Executive Committee shall take part in the voting.
5) A member of the Executive Committee shall normally present the award at the awards ceremony.
b. Championship rings for each athlete and coach for up to $150.00 per CIF Division and/or State Champion.
1) A member of the Executive Committee shall represent the club at the ring ceremony.
- Requests for Boosters Club funding of Ontario Christian Athletics special projects, activities, or events are made by the Athletic Department as represented by the Athletic Director.
a. Requests shall be submitted at least one month prior to the anticipated need for funding to allow members the opportunity to discuss and reflect upon the request before voting.
b. Club members may recommend projects or events to improve or enhance Ontario Christian athletics for the Athletic Department’s consideration.
c. The Athletic Department shall strive to order the approved item before the next Boosters Club meeting takes place.
Revised September 2020